Account, model and reference number

Payments of fees for services provided by the Agency within the Company Register are made to Account: 840-29770845-52, model 97, download reference number (In order to correctly fill out the payment slip for the payment of the fee, please click on the button to download the mandatory reference number generated by the Agency, according to Model 97. The generated reference number is valid for ONE payment only).

Fee for the registration of incorporation of a company

The fee for the incorporation of a company, which is registered in the Business Entities Register pursuant to the Law on the Procedure of Registration with the Serbian Business Registers Agency (company, public enterprise, cooperative, cooperative union, branch of a foreign company and representative office of a foreign company), with the registration of documents registered in accordance with the Law amounts to RSD 6,500. If the application is submitted electronically, the fee amount is RSD 5,900.

Fees for registration of changes to registered data on companies

The fee for a duly submitted application for the registration of a change of data on a company in the Business Entities Register amounts to RSD 3,100.

If several changes are requested in one registration application, the fee that amounts to RSD 3,100 is increased by RSD 1,500 per change.

If an application is submitted requesting the registration of changes of company members (change of ownership or co-ownership of shares), in addition to the fee prescribed by Article 3, para. 1 of the Decision (RSD 3,100), an additional fee of RSD 350 per member or co-owner being registered is also paid, whereby this amount is paid per new member who joins the company. an amount of 350.00 dinars is also paid per member or co-owner who registers, whereby this amount is paid per new member who joins the company.

Fee for the deletion of a company

The fee for the registration of a deletion of a company amounts to RSD 3,300.

Fees related to branches of domestic companies

The fee for the registration of a branch of a domestic company amounts to RSD 3,100 per branch.

If, along with the registration of the branch, the registration of some other changes is required, the fee is calculated by paying a fee of RSD 3,100 for the branch, then RSD 3,100 for the requested change (which is not the registration of the branch), and for each additional change (which is not the registration of a branch), RSD 1,500 is paid per change. For example, the fee for registering one branch and changing the seat amounts to a total of RSD 6,200 (3,100 + 3,100); the fee for the registration of two branches, change of seat and director amounts to a total of RSD 10,800 (3,100 + 3,100 + 3,100 + 1,500).

The fee for the change of data on a registered branch or deleting a branch amounts to RSD 3,100.

If the same application requests the change of data or the deletion of several branches, the fee amounts to RSD 3,100 and is increased by RSD 1,500 for each subsequent branch whose data is changed or which is deleted.

If the registration of a branch is requested in the same application as the change or deletion of an already registered branch, the fee amounts to RSD 6,200.

If the registration of a branch is requested in the same application as the change or deletion of several already registered branches, the fee amounts to RSD 6,200 and is increased by RSD 1,500 for each subsequent branch whose data is changed or which is deleted.

If the registration of a branch, change and deletion of a branch are requested in the application, the fee amounts to RSD 7,700 (3,100 + 3,100 + 1,500), with the fee for each additional registration of a branch being increased by RSD 3,100 and for each additional data change/deletion of a branch, the fee is increased by RSD 1,500.

It is important to keep in mind that in all the cases mentioned, the rules on untimely submission of the registration application apply. Thus, if the decision that is the basis for registration, change or deletion of the branch was issued more than 15 days before the time of submission of the application, the proof of payment of an additional fee for untimely submission must also be submitted in the amount of RSD 6,000. 

Fees for the registration and publication of documents

The fees for the registration and publication of documents amount to:

  • RSD 3,100 - for the registration and publication of a memorandum of association;
  • RSD 3,100 - for the registration and publication of articles of association;
  • RSD 3,100 - for the registration and publication of other documents subject to registration and publication pursuant to the law;
  • RSD 800 per document – for the publication of documents subject to publication pursuant to the law.

Note: the prescribed fees for the registration and publication of the memorandum and articles of association refer only to situations when these documents are registered independently, and not within the framework of incorporation or status change where they are covered by a separately prescribed fee.

Fees for the issuance of excerpts, copies and certificates

The fees for the issuance of extracts, copies and certificates amount to:

  • RSD 1,900 - for the issuance of a copy of the Registrar's decision or excerpt of registered data of a business entity;
  • RSD 1,100 - for the issuance of a certificate that a legal entity, a branch of a foreign company or a representative office of a foreign company is not registered in the Register or that the Register does not contain the requested data that, in accordance with the law, is subject to registration;
  • RSD 1,600 per legal entity - for the issuance of a certificate of legal succession;
  • RSD 550 per data - for the issuance of a certificate on the data contained in the documentation on the basis of which the registration was done and historically registered data.

Fee for the reservation, transfer and renewal of business name reservation

The fee for the reservation, transfer and renewal of business name reservation amounts to RSD 1,600.

Fee for the registration of other data

The fees for the registration of other data on a company amount to:

  • RSD 3,100 - for the registration of data on the company's email address;
  • RSD 3,100 - for the registration of an annotaion of the data relevant for business transactions and other data subject to registration in accordance with the law,
  • RSD 350 per member or co-owner - for the registration of a change of ownership or co-ownership of a share, in addition to the fee prescribed under Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Decision (RSD 3,100); 
  • RSD 1,900 - for the issuance of a copy of the Registrar's decision for which no special fee is prescribed;
  • RSD 1,100 per entry for the certificate - for the issuance of a certificate with data that is subject to registration and/or recording, and for which no special fee is prescribed;
  • RSD 30 per document - for the issuance of a copy of the document on the basis of which the registration was done;
  • RSD 120 - for the issuance of other documents.

Acceptable proof of payment

When submitting an application for registration to the SBRA, the registration applicant shall submit one of the following proofs of payment:

  1. The first page of the payment order, certified by the authorized provider of payment services, containing:
  • all mandatory elements of the effected payment of the fee (the payer’s name; the recipient’s name; the recipient’s (i.e. the SBRA's) bank account number; the fee amount; purpose of payment; payment code; signature or approval of the payer and the date of the effected payment),
  • mandatory unique reference number for each payment, generated by the SBRA, according to Model 97.
  1. Transfer order, certified by the provider of payment services, containing:
  • all mandatory elements of the effected transfer order (the payer’s name; the recipient’s name; the payer’s current account number; the recipient’s (i.e. the SBRA's) bank account number; amount of the fee; purpose of payment, payment code; signature or approval of the payer and the date of the effected payment),
  • mandatory unique reference number for each payment, generated by the SBRA, according to Model 97,
  • clause that the payment of the fee has been effected and the date of the effected payment.
  1. The payer’s business account statement, certified by the payer or the provider of payment services, containing:
  • all mandatory elements of the account statement (the payer’s name; the payer’s account number; the recipient’s account number; the account statement number; the account statement date; the fee payment date; amount of the paid fee; purpose of payment and account transaction report),
  • mandatory unique reference number for each payment, generated by the SBRA, according to Model 97.
  1. Confirmation of the effected payment of the fee, certified by the provider of payment services, containing:
  • all mandatory elements on the effected payment of the fee (evidencing that the fee payment order or the fee transfer order has been effected; date of the effected payment order; the fee amount; the recipient’s bank account number; purpose of payment; the payer’s name; the recipient’s name),
  • mandatory unique reference number for each payment, generated by the SBRA, according to Model 97.