The Serbian Business Registers Agency has redesigned a web portal containing the Map of the Regional Development Measures and Incentives Register (RegRDMI Map), so that users are now offered a free of charge access to the said Register’s data in a much simpler and clearer way than before.
In addition to the Cyrillic and Latin versions of the RegRDMI Map in the Serbian language, the users can also access the RegRDMI Map’s content in the English language, which enables that a larger number of users, utilizing data for their own analyses and researches, now use the multi-source data that are sublimated at a single place.
The RegRDMI Map is an interactive web portal that displays different aggregate data originating from the Regional Development Measures and Incentives Register and other electronic registers kept by the SBRA, as well as data taken over from other state authorities and organizations. In addition to the data that have been available so far, the RegRDMI Map is further enriched with data on the non-profit sector, as well as with a set of the regional development incentives data that indicate amounts of incentives, by territorial allocation level thereof.
In addition to the spreadsheets that have been available so far, the SBRA has also prepared the charts, which allow a clearer display of offered data. Another novelty is a direct access to the footnotes’ content, as well as access to additional explanations contained in the notes provided below published tables, which will, hopefully, enable a better understanding of the presented data.
We remind that RegRDMI Map’s data refer to a four year time series for the four territorial levels (Republic of Serbia, regions, districts, municipalities), which have been updated with the latest data covering the period 1 January through 31 December 2013. link